
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Here's to this hair.

I have always loved the pixie cut, ever since I first saw Rihanna's edgier version with the longer bangs back in 2007. But over the past few months I've seen this super short, and what I consider to be super sexy cut on numerous celebrities, and even one of my friends at school who just looks fabulous in it.
I really don't know if I would ever cut my hair this short, right now I'm growing it out to donate it--this has been a two year process so far-- so when I do give it away, I really want to do something short and drastic. My only issues are the fact that I've an oversized head, and the amount of maintenance that would go into my curly hair being this short, I am definitely not the kind of girl willing to get up early every morning to flat iron my hair.

What do yall think? Should I or should I not?

And by far my favourite pixie cut yet, my friend Azraa from school-- she's so beautiful!

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