Sunday, January 29, 2012

Outfit of the Night: FamJam!

Hey everybody, just wanted to share with you a quick outfit of the night. I need to let everybody know right now, I think I'm obsessed with gold. Seriously.
I think this is the fourth time I'm posting pictures of me with this necklace ( Sewit's necklace that I borrowed back in October :s) and the third time I'm posting in this belt.
So my aunt and uncle are currently celebrating their 30th anniversary--I know, that's a lot of years i can hardly hold on to one for two months. We had this huge surprise party for them, and they were actually surprised! And I am currently sitting in the middle of the lime, writing a blog post :D

 Dress- Old Navy
 Belt- H&M
Head band- DIY with party tinsel
Everybody thought I looked like a 60's flower child!

@DamesNellas & @StabrookeViews

The Cousins

Newest member of the Clan: Michael



  1. everything's so pretty and shiny... you look beautiful Brookie D-darling.

    JBaby. :)

  2. Love the head band and I second that, you do look like a 60's flower baby ^_^

  3. Gold just always add a classy touch and its very admired. the dress is beautiful but the head band popped it

  4. I'm glad you liked it! Give me gold anything and I'm in. :p

  5. your pictures are amazing! and the dress looks very elegant. you pull it off very well. I just might get one for myself :)
